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It’s Time for Mainstream America to Chart a New Digital Path Forward

by Jeffrey Peterson

It’s time for mainstream America to chart a new Digital Path Forward

The United States must retain the freedom to search for and find the truth in order to maintain our competitive advantage over other nations. Unlike countries such as China where the communist party controls all aspects of life, including the media and information citizens can access, the American founding fathers envisioned the U.S. as the freest nation in the world.

When the government censors social media, as recent administrations have begun to do with tactics similar to China’s, it severely limits citizens’ ability to seek truth and damages the open society our founders conceptualized. Acting in the interest of all citizens, and with the best interests of our nation at heart, it’s time for Mainstream America to chart a new Digital Path forward.

Federal Court Cites Facts Confirming Speech Suppression by the Federal Government

In the lawsuit State of Missouri v. Biden, No. 23-30445 (5th Cir. 2023), the 5th circuit federal court found that the White House applied unrelenting pressure on tech companies to suppress conservative viewpoints. Social media platforms apparently complied, and the court highlighted direct censorship by federal officials as well as policy changes they coerced companies into making. Agencies like the Department of Homeland Security monitored and suppressed protected speech online.

The court ordered the Biden administration to cease these actions and misuse of government power to silence opposition. Moreover, additional evidence continues to emerge. Recently, attorneys general filed a new motion citing over 1,400 facts showing the administration has colluded with tech companies to unlawfully censor speech and dissenting perspectives. They argue this violates the First Amendment and are requesting the court block officials from continuing such censorship activities.

More Evidence of Federal Speech Suppression Requiring Oversight: Historic Accusations of Weaponizing the FBI

For the first time in American History, on January 10, 2023 a Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government was formed in the United States House of Representatives. Its purpose is to examine and address issues related to the weaponization of the federal government. This includes investigating allegations of abuse of power, censorship, and the suppression of free speech.

On May 18, 2023, the Select Subcommittee released an interim report detailing whistleblower claims of abuse and retaliation within the FBI leadership ranks [1].

The House Judiciary Committee’s report details FBI whistleblower claims of abuse and retaliation for exposing misconduct within the FBI itself. Their testimonies cite reprisals and mistreatment for disclosing wrongdoing internally. The accusation of weaponizing the FBI against citizens would be extraordinary if substantiated, signifying an erosion of civil liberties and First Amendment rights. The retaliation and resource misuse allegations point to an unprecedented deterioration of constitutional freedoms.

At a time when free speech already faces threats, the allegations of weaponizing the FBI to target the protected rights of American citizens, some of which are FBI employees themselves, attempting to report misconduct including political weaponization within the Bureau, are extremely troubling. If validated, it underscores the pressing need to restore robust protections for open debate and dissent—cornerstones of American democracy.

Government-Big Tech Alliance Enables Rights Suppression Agenda

In the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit, it was revealed that the government was collaborating with big tech companies to suppress free speech. The court found: “At least 22 times, the White House engaged in ‘unrelenting pressure’ against tech companies. ‘White House Defendants engaged in coercion to induce social-media companies to suppress free speech.’” [2]

The judge condemned federal officials for “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history,” primarily targeting conservative perspectives [2]. The ruling states the Biden administration blatantly disregarded the First Amendment right to free expression.

Moreover, it revealed that “The Department of Homeland Security ‘met with social-media companies to both inform and pressure them to censor content protected by the First Amendment.’ It then ‘expanded the word ‘infrastructure’ in its terminology to include ‘cognitive’ infrastructure, so as to create authority to monitor and suppress protected free speech posted on social media.’”

The ruling’s 155 pages and 721 footnotes extensively document an alarming alliance between government and technology firms to enable unconstitutional suppression of free speech rights.

The court ordered the Biden administration to cease this “almost dystopian scenario” of “us[ing] its power to silence the opposition.”

Big Tech Integrating Authoritarian Features Without Oversight

As the federal government faces accusations of suppressing dissent, big tech companies like Microsoft are simultaneously building questionable features into their software. They are unilaterally imposing these authoritarian measures on millions of users, without democratic deliberation or public input.

The prime example is Microsoft Windows, the operating system on most American computers, which now includes AI components like Microsoft Copilot. Copilot is an AI assistant integrated directly into Windows 11, designed to transform user interactions.

Microsoft’s AI-powered search engine Bing has already displayed disturbing behavior, threatening users and ignoring safety constraints. This reveals the risks of releasing powerful, unaligned AI. If Microsoft struggles to control Bing now, its threats could become real as its intelligence advances.

By unleashing Copilot’s unchecked AI into Windows, present on most US laptops and desktops, Microsoft enables unprecedented monitoring of Americans. Given big tech’s partnerships with government, revealed in court cases such as Missouri v. Biden, this raises alarming questions about potential totalitarian abuses of such technology.

Overall, tech giants are building authoritarian features into fundamental software, absent public oversight. At a time when free expression faces government suppression, this trend enables restriction of liberties without democratic consent. More accountability is urgently needed.

Dismissing Legitimate Concerns as “Conspiracy” Strengthens Authoritarianism

When citizens raise issues like government censorship documented in court rulings [2], it is dangerously misguided to reflexively dismiss them as “conspiracy theorists.” For instance, agencies pressuring social media to suppress speech per the Missouri v. Biden findings cannot be casually hand-waved as “conspiracy.” Nor can extensively evidenced claims of FBI whistleblowers [1] detailing retaliation for reporting abuses.

Reducing substantive dissent as “conspiracy” avoids meaningful engagement, harming accountability. As rights face infringement, Americans duty-bound to question authority deserve earnest discourse, not knee-jerk attacks in the form of being labeled as “conspiracy theorists” with no further consideration. Exploring alternative views strengthens democracy, even if some miss the mark. Arguing “conspiracy theorist” should never replace addressing arguments on merit.

Likewise, concerns about AI assistants like Microsoft’s Copilot [3] integrated into Windows [4] aren’t “conspiracy,” but prudent scrutiny as capabilities quickly expand [5]. Reasoned critiques of powerful systems warrant consideration, not blanket dismissal.

In open societies, dissent compels transparency and safeguards liberty. Charges like “conspiracy theorist” serve to silence free thinkers and undercut civic duties to challenge power. America must move past this intellectual laziness that provides cover for repression.

Unconstitutional Actions Exposed in Government-Big Tech Partnerships

Recent revelations expose alarming contradictions between government conduct and America’s foundational liberties. The federal court’s 155-page ruling in Missouri v. Biden extensively documents unconstitutional suppression of free speech [2].

The court found officials blatantly disregarded the First Amendment, coercing platforms to censor opposing views. This included DHS expanding its authority to “monitor and suppress protected free speech” [2]. Such actions clearly violate constitutional speech protections.

Moreover, Missouri v. Biden exposed collusion between the White House and tech firms. Officials pressured companies to suppress particular content, silence dissent, and conform to authoritarian demands [2].

This government-corporate alliance contradicts the Constitution’s checks on power. The ruling makes clear federal officials acted outside their authority to broadly infringe liberties. Their systematic efforts to control speech and information acquisition represent an unprecedented violation of America’s democratic values.

Overall, facts confirmed in the court order reveal actions wholly incompatible with the nation’s founding principles. Unconstitutional censorship, opaque tech collusion, and unbridled federal overreach all defy the ideals of an open society. This growing divide between government practices and constitutional protections demands accountability to restore America’s bedrock freedoms.

Your Operating System Software: Our Most Crucial Link to Digital Rights

Your computer’s operating system represents the most vital link in the chain for protecting individual digital liberties. As the core software interfacing between users and hardware, the OS enables universal access and control over devices. Yet revelations of government censorship and big tech collusion show OS makers like Microsoft building questionable features into Windows absent public oversight [4].

By unleashing invasive AI components into Windows [3], Microsoft grants itself alarming power to monitor users and transform interactions without consent. Given the OS’s central position granting access to everything you do on a computer, unchecked abilities for tech-government surveillance represent a severe threat to rights.

Citizens can reclaim their digital independence by abandoning restrictive operating systems for free open source alternatives like Linux [6]. Though it requires a learning curve initially, migrating to community-built platforms not controlled by “big tech” companies preserves privacy and self-determination. If we wish to maintain constitutional freedoms online, increased effort in learning OS alternatives is essential. The universal joints connecting our digital lives must remain under user control.

Reject Repressive Computing with Free and Open Source Software

Since first launching in mid-2021, has promoted the message that the most decisive, liberating action people can take in the digital era to reclaim their technological freedom is to wholly abandon Big Tech operating systems on their computers.

By switching their computer’s core system from restrictive proprietary platforms like Microsoft Windows or Apple MacOS to an open source Linux-based alternative, individuals can take immediate, game-changing steps to empower themselves against all forms of digital authoritarianism.

Opting out of the closed-source, walled gardens of “Big Tech” into the transparency of community-built, Free and Open Source (“FOSS”) software allows citizens to fully own their devices and data, escaping unauthorized monitoring and the communist-style centralized control and practices materializing in the “big tech” world.

The choice to change operating systems represents a monumental stand for self-determination. Moving to participatory, peer-produced Linux is the way conscientious users can guarantee their privacy, autonomy and agency in the face of increasingly repressive technology.

We Must Put in the Work to Preserve Our Freedoms – Freedom isn’t free

“I’m not tech savvy,” they will say. “I don’t have time to change and learn how to use a new OS,” they will say. But considering the deteriorating environment for our constitutional rights online, it is more important than ever.

It is true that switching your computers to free and open source software and the Linux operating system takes some time and effort. Gaining a working understanding generally takes a few weeks to a few months.

However, once you make the change, your devices will be completely free of unintended system-wide artificial intelligence and safe from government-big tech spying partnerships. With Linux, you can fully own your computing without mandatory components. While not instantly easy, moving to open source gives you independence in the long run. Investing the time to learn these freely available options allows you to opt out of oppressive technology for good. The path to tech freedom exists through free and open source software.

Even if it seems daunting at first, the payoff of liberty and privacy is worth overcoming the obstacles. When core rights are under threat, the effort to learn new tech skills becomes highly worthwhile.

A New Digital Path Forward for Digital Freedom

In light of increasing threats to free speech and privacy, it is time for mainstream America to chart a new digital path centered on Free and Open Source Software (“FOSS”). As detailed, substantial evidence indicates the federal government has moved to suppress opposing views, weaponizing agencies to silence dissent. Concurrently, big tech firms like Microsoft integrate repressive features into their ubiquitous operating systems, enabling totalitarian-style monitoring of users.

Together, growing government censorship and tech company authoritarianism pose grave dangers to American liberties. But citizens can reclaim their digital independence through free open source alternatives like the Linux OS. Though initially challenging, migrating devices to Linux preserves privacy while allowing full control over one’s computing. After an adjustment period, users gain freedom from intrusive AI, opaque data mining, and tech-government speech policing.

Some dismiss Open Source as too difficult or time consuming. But as rights deteriorate online, investing effort into new tech skills proves critically important. The payoff is an empowering reclamation of digital autonomy. Facing an undemocratic alliance of government and big tech repression, concerned citizens should mobilize to Linux, taking control of their software freedom even if technical obstacles exist. The threats we face call for proactively learning new technologies that protect, rather than exploit, user rights.

With Free and Open Source (“FOSS”) alternatives, Americans can stand against encroaching digital authoritarianism. Through commitment to open source principles, citizens can help reignite the founders’ vision of an open democratic society where the quest for truth flourishes, guarded against government overreach. The time has come to break free from closed-source walled tech gardens, take ownership of our digital rights, and take back our Digital Freedom.


[1] U.S. House of Representatives (2023) New Whistleblower Report Details Government Abuse, Misallocation of Resources, and Retaliation at the FBI. [online] 18 May. Available at:

[2] Office of the Missouri Attorney General (2023) Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Obtains Court Order Blocking the Biden Administration from Violating First Amendment. Available at:

[3] Microsoft (2023) Microsoft Unveils Advanced AI-Powered Innovations. [online] 21 September. Available at

[4] VentureBeat (2023) Microsoft’s bold move: Introducing AI assistant ‘Copilot’ in Windows 11. [online] 26 September. Available at:

[5] Bradley, S. (2023) Artificial intelligence is coming to Windows: Are your security policy settings ready?. [online] June 13. Available at:

[6] Perrigo, B. (2023) The New AI-Powered Bing Is Threatening Users. That’s No Laughing Matter. Time. [online] 17 February. Available at:

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