Open Source

Google’s “Chrome” Web Browser Keeps Getting Hit with Dangerous Exploits – two major vulnerabilities discovered in two weeks!

  Google’s popular Chrome browser has been frequently attacked by cybercriminals taking advantage of critical zero-day vulnerabilities that seem sometimes slow to be repaired in 2024. The attackers are actively exploiting these flaws to pull off malicious hacking attacks before they can be patched. The latest is a nasty out-of-bounds write bug found in Chrome’s […]

Google’s “Chrome” Web Browser Keeps Getting Hit with Dangerous Exploits – two major vulnerabilities discovered in two weeks! Read More »

Leave ‘big tech’ 2FA password apps for more privacy with these great new Open Source alternatives

Keeping your online accounts and personal information secure is crucial in today’s digital world. Two-factor authentication (2FA) has become an essential security measure, and one common method involves using an authenticator app to generate time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs). While big tech companies like Google and Microsoft offer well-known authenticator apps, many privacy-conscious users have raised

Leave ‘big tech’ 2FA password apps for more privacy with these great new Open Source alternatives Read More »


The Open Source Advantage: Responding to the Linux “XZ Utils” Security Incident

In today’s technology-driven world, software security is more important than ever. The recent discovery of a hidden backdoor in the widely-used XZ Utils data compression library for some Linux distributions shocked the open source community. While alarming, this incident also shows the strengths of the open source model used by Linux and the importance of

The Open Source Advantage: Responding to the Linux “XZ Utils” Security Incident Read More »

The Story of 2 and 1/2 Years Helping Americans Learn Better Ways to Do Their Computing

In September 2021, launched with the goal of teaching Americans better ways to use technology and protect their digital privacy. Founded by veteran technology entrepreneur Jeffrey Peterson, the site started with the “Linux for Beginners” course to help people switch from proprietary operating systems like Windows to the free and open source Linux OS.

The Story of 2 and 1/2 Years Helping Americans Learn Better Ways to Do Their Computing Read More »

Take back your digital file security with NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices instead of ‘the cloud’

If you follow, you already know that big tech operating systems like Windows and MacOS increasingly threaten users’ privacy and freedom. You can reclaim control by switching to the open source Linux OS. Linux is designed for user empowerment. Its code is transparent and open source, unlike proprietary Windows and MacOS, meaning, with Linux,

Take back your digital file security with NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices instead of ‘the cloud’ Read More »

The Rise of “We the People” online: How to Keep Yourself Safe from Surveillance Capitalism

What is “Surveillance Capitalism?” Surveillance capitalism is the unethical practice of collecting vast amounts of personal data from individuals through various online platforms and devices without their knowledge or consent, for profit. The data collected can include browsing history, location data, purchase history, and even biometric data. Critics of this practice argue that it can

The Rise of “We the People” online: How to Keep Yourself Safe from Surveillance Capitalism Read More »

apple computer

Linux vs. BSD: Comparing Two Popular Unix-Like Operating Systems and Their POSIX Compatibility

Linux and BSD are two types of computer operating systems that are similar to Unix. They have some differences, but they are both used for many different things like servers, supercomputers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. Linux was created by a student named Linus Torvalds in Finland in 1991. It was meant to be a

Linux vs. BSD: Comparing Two Popular Unix-Like Operating Systems and Their POSIX Compatibility Read More »

Why Open Source Software is the Key to Protecting your Privacy in a Digital Age

In a world where our personal data is constantly being collected and shared, it’s more important than ever to protect our privacy. Open source software provides an effective solution to this problem. By being transparent, customizable, and community-driven, open source software offers a range of benefits that make it ideal for privacy protection. In this list, we’ll explore ten

Why Open Source Software is the Key to Protecting your Privacy in a Digital Age Read More »

F-Droid: An alternative Mobile app store

F-Droid is an open-source app store that provides a wide range of free and open-source software (FOSS) for Android devices. It was established in 2010 as a community-driven project that prioritizes privacy, security, and open-source software. Since then, it has become a popular alternative to Google Play Store for those who value these principles. One

F-Droid: An alternative Mobile app store Read More »